Instruction by Standard with Test-Taking Strategies

Instruction by Standard with Test-Taking Strategies


Reading Levels 2-8

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Instruction by Standard with Test-Taking Strategies

Instruction by Standard with Test-Taking Strategies


Reading Levels 2-8

Instruction by Standard with Test-Taking Strategies

Reading Levels 2-8
Instruction by Standard with Test-Taking Strategies

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Instruction by Standard with Test-Taking Strategies

Reading Levels 2-8

This Instructional Module is designed to improve the skills and strategies needed to prepare for the Next Generation Learning Standards through comprehension, instruction, review, and reinforcement of the reading standards. Guided reading instruction and test-taking strategies build skills to use Before, During, and After Reading.

Pricing: $1119 SAVE $138 per Instructional Module
Includes a 25-Pack of each book.
Includes Downloadable Teacher Guides.
Enough materials for 25 students

These prices reflect a School Discount of at least 25% off the List Price.
Product or ISBN Number: N/A Category:

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