Mastering Math with Test-Taking Strategies

Mastering Math with Test-Taking Strategies


Grades 2-8

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Mastering Math with Test-Taking Strategies

Mastering Math with Test-Taking Strategies


Grades 2-8

Mastering Math with Test-Taking Strategies

Grades 2-8
Mastering Math with Test-Taking Strategies

Mastering Math with Test-Taking Strategies

Grades 2-8

In order to master the math standards, students need standards-based instruction with test-taking skills. This Instructional Module provides students with strategies on how to answer complex math problems. Instruction by standard includes the 5-Step Math Problem-Solving Plan using modeled and guided instruction with independent practice. Test-taking strategies in a two-column format guide students through complex math problems.

Pricing: $1109 SAVE $138  per Module
Includes 25-Pack of each book.
Includes Downloadable Teacher Guides.
Enough materials for 25 students

These prices reflect a School Discount of at least 25% off the List Price.
Product or ISBN Number: N/A Category:

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