RALLY! Education, in order to provide online educational services and programs to educational institutions including, school districts, individual schools and individuals, use these guidelines and procedures to safeguard all personal and educational data collected:
- RALLY! Education limits internal access to educational records and personal information to those individuals having a legitimate interest in the data in order to provide the service contracted.
- RALLY! Education never uses the educational records for any purpose other than the direct delivery of the service contracted.
- Personal information that is collected and used by RALLY! Education includes names, user ids and passwords for RALLY! online products, email addresses for teachers, administrators, and in rare cases students. This data is safeguarded to ensure confidentiality. This data is not shared with any third party.
- RALLY! Education maintains administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of the personal and educational data entrusted to us.
- RALLY! Education uses advanced encryption technology to protect online data. All transmission of data utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols to encrypt the data being transmitted. In addition, all educational and personal information stored on RALLY! Education servers is encrypted. RALLY! Education servers use the latest security software to detect and defend from attacks and unauthorized access.

RALLY! Education
22 Railroad Avenue
Glen Head, NY 11545
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Educational Data Security and Privacy Guidelines
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These prices reflect a School Discount of at least 25% off the List Price.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
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