Complex Reading in Context: Phonics Skills®

NEW! Complex Reading in Context: Phonics Skills®

Systematic & Explicit Phonics Instruction

Good for ALL Types of Students

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Book 1



Book 2



Book 3



All three books (Books 1, 2 & 3)


Complex Reading in Context: Phonics Skills®

NEW! Complex Reading in Context: Phonics Skills®

Systematic & Explicit Phonics Instruction

Good for ALL Types of Students

NEW! Complex Reading in Context: Phonics Skills®

Systematic & Explicit Phonics Instruction
Good for ALL Types of Students
Complex Reading in Context: Phonics Skills®

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Check Out the Companions Series Complex Reading in Context: Sight Word Readers®!

NEW! Complex Reading in Context: Phonics Skills®

Systematic & Explicit Phonics Instruction
Good for ALL Types of Students

Based on the Science of Reading, this series provides step-by-step instruction for students to develop fundamental phonics skills.

Explicit instruction teaches students how to recognize letters, sounds, and words, and then gives them strategies on how to decode new words.

Review lessons deepen learning using challenging words, word puzzles, rhymes, letter- and word banks, and more.

BOOK 1: Consonants and Vowels

  • The Alphabet, Rhyming Words, Consonants
  • Short and Long Vowels, CVC Words
  • Sight Words
  • Vowel Teams, Challenge Vowels, Vowels that use the letter r

BOOK 2: Blends, Digraphs, and Sight Words

  • Short and Long Vowel Review
  • The Letter Y Review
  • Vowel Teams and Challenge Vowels Review
  • Consonant Combinations and Blends
  • Consonant Digraphs
  • Sight Words

BOOK 3: Prefixes, Suffixes, and Compound Words

  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Vowels, Consonant Blends, and Digraphs Review
  • Trigraphs (3 Letter Blends)
  • Words that end in -e
  • Compound Words
  • Sight Words

Pricing: $459 25-Pack Print Only
Downloadable Teacher Guide included.

Pricing: $1739 100-Pack Print Only
Downloadable Teacher Guide included.

Pricing: $1299 Combo Pack Save $78
25 copies of 3 books (75 books)
Downloadable Teacher Guides included.

Buy BOTH Phonics Skills® & Sight Word Readers®

These prices reflect a School Discount of at least 25% off the List Price.
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