Reading Constellations® ONLINE

Reading Constellations® ONLINE

Personalized Reading Instruction, Review, and Reinforcement

Reading Levels 2-8 with Readabilities Below-Level and Above Level

Levels 2-8
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Reading Constellations® ONLINE

Reading Constellations® ONLINE

Personalized Reading Instruction, Review, and Reinforcement

Reading Levels 2-8 with Readabilities Below-Level and Above Level

Reading Constellations® ONLINE

Personalized Reading Instruction, Review, and Reinforcement
Reading Levels 2-8 with Readabilities Below-Level and Above Level
Reading Constellations® ONLINE

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Reading Constellations® ONLINE

Personalized Reading Instruction, Review, and Reinforcement
Reading Levels 2-8 with Readabilities Below-Level and Above Level

Reading Constellations® Online improves reading comprehension using a continuous cycle of instruction with skill review and reinforcement of the standards.

  • The program is self-running and prescriptive:
    • Students take a pretest and the program automatically assigns 3 sets of instruction lessons based on the student’s current reading level.
    • 36 lessons of reading skills, reading passages and complex comprehension that scaffold from sentences to paragraphs to full-length complex reading selections.
  • Teachers can monitor student progress at any time.

Pricing: $4500
Site License: Unlimited access per school for all levels for one school year.
Includes Administrator, Teacher, and Student online access.

These prices reflect a School Discount of at least 25% off the List Price.
Product or ISBN Number: N/A Category: