Complex Reading in Context: Sight Word Readers® & Phonics Skills®

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Sight Word Readers® & Phonics Skills®

Good for Students Reading on Various Levels

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Book 3

Complex Reading in Context: Sight Word Readers® & Phonics Skills®

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Sight Word Readers® & Phonics Skills®

Good for Students Reading on Various Levels

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Buy Both Complex Reading in Context:
Sight Word Readers® & Phonics Skills®

Good for Students Reading on Various Levels
Complex Reading in Context: Sight Word Readers® & Phonics Skills®

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Buy Both Complex Reading in Context:
Sight Word Readers® & Phonics Skills®

Good for Students Reading on Various Levels

Sight Word Readers®

Guided instruction using Before-You-Read, While-You-Read, and After-You-Read Lessons to build reading comprehension.

  • Each unit starts with a Sight Word List to build reading fluency.
  • Includes Informational and Literary Texts.
  • Embedded questions within each reading selection improve critical thinking skills.
  • Three reading selections per book with new question types.

Phonics Skills®

Based on the Science of Reading, this series provides step-by-step instruction for students to develop fundamental phonics skills.

  • Using explicit instruction, students learn how to recognize letters, sounds, and words, and then learn how to decode new words.
  • Review lessons deepen learning using challenge words, word puzzles, rhymes, letter-and word-banks, and more.
  • Extended Teacher Guide per book includes easy-to-use lessons, glossary of terms, ELL accommodations, pacing guides, and At-Home Letter in English and Spanish.

Pricing: $869 25 copies of each series (50 books)
Downloadable Teacher Guide included.

These prices reflect a School Discount of at least 25% off the List Price.
Product or ISBN Number: N/A Category:

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